What’s a $4,000 Suit Worth? Illustration by Peter OumanskiBy ADAM DAVIDSONPublished: September 4, 2012 237 CommentsFACEBOOKTWITTERGOOGLE+E-MAILSHAREPRINTREPRINTSA few years ago, Peter Frew came to New York with an important professional skill. He was one of maybe a few dozen people in the U.S. who could construct a true bespoke suit. Frew, who apprenticed with a Savile Row tailor, can — all by himself, and almost all by hand — create a pattern, cut fabric and expertly construct a suit that, for about $4,000, perfectly molds to its owner’s body. In a city filled with very rich people, he quickly had all the orders he could handle.

October 11, 2013 By