What’s a $4,000 Suit Worth? Illustration by Peter OumanskiBy ADAM DAVIDSONPublished: September 4, 2012 237 CommentsFACEBOOKTWITTERGOOGLE+E-MAILSHAREPRINTREPRINTSA few years ago, Peter Frew came to New York with an important professional skill. He was one of maybe a few dozen people in the U.S. who could construct a true bespoke suit. Frew, who apprenticed with a Savile […]

Bespoke Suits And Perfect Cravats At ‘Dandy’ Exhibit : NPR
When you hear the word dandy, what do you think of? Maybe the song “Yankee Doodle Dandy,” which dates all the way back to the Revolutionary War, and compares the colonists to foppish, effeminate idiots: the dandies. But a summer exhibit at the Rhode Island School of Design Museum, closing Aug. 18, aims to reclaim […]
Bespoke or Made-to-Measure | Fashion | Robb Report – The Global Luxury Source
Bespoke or Made-to-Measure William Kissel FEBRUARY 10, 2013 For the optimum fit and comfort, undoubtedly a custom-made suit is the first choice. But, if you’re short on time or simply have a body type that doesn’t require special-fit needs, a made-to-measure suit is another option. For even some well-heeled gentlemen, the difference between bespoke and […]
6 Steps To A Tailor-Made Suit – AskMen
6 Steps To A Tailor-Made Suit Chris Rovny Fashion Correspondent 1 2 Page 1 of 2 Every man needs at least one elegant, high-quality suit. Whether it’s for business attire or a special occasion, we all need one suit that sets itself apart from the rest. The funny thing, however, is that most guys who […]
How To Choose the Best Fabrics for your Bespoke Suits – Part 3 of 3
Transcript: Luke: What’s unique about Aquaplan is the nanotechnology. Now the nanotechnology makes the fabric water-resistant, but still able to breathe, to the very unique finish. The nanotechnology also adds crease-resistance to the fabric as well. So, what Aquaplan delivers is a very, very light suit, a very breathable suit, but a suit […]